Carpet cleaning tips

Your Guide to Removing Mud and Muddy Paw Prints from Your Carpet

Depending on where you live, mud and muddy paw prints on your carpet might happen all year long. Dog owners call muddy paw prints a true nightmare as they keep fighting with mud stains on their carpets on rainy days. As mud season is already here, find out some of the most effective tips for removing mud and muddy paw prints from your carpet.

1. Vinegar solution

Pour half a cup of vinegar into a mixing basin, then add a tablespoon of dishwashing liquid and stir thoroughly. Apply the solution to the mud stain with a brush and slightly rub it in the stain.

Rinse the spot with tepid water and a clean towel. Rep the procedure till the discoloration has vanished. Finally, use a towel to dry the affected area. Vinegar may also be used to remove oil stains from carpets. Just mix eight parts water, equal parts glycerine and dishwashing soap, and several drops of white vinegar. Stir well. Vinegar may also help you fight red wine stains.

2. Dishwashing detergent

Collect most of the mud clumps on the carpet. Wear cleaning gloves to keep your hands safe. Apply a powder made from baking soda and a pinch of salt onto the mud stain. Allow it to rest for a few hours to absorb all of the moisture from the affected area. Vacuum your carpet to see if the stains disappear.

Add one tablespoon of dishwashing detergent to a couple of cups of warm water. Saturate the affected area with the solution. You can use a clean kitchen cloth or a sponge for this. Using a paper towel, blot the excess liquid.

Repeat the whole process until the mud stains are gone. Using cold water, sponge the carpet and wipe it away with a paper towel. Allow it to air dry.

3. Isopropyl alcohol

Before you use isopropyl alcohol, do a small spot test on a hidden area of your carpet. If there’s no reaction like discolouration or colour bleeding, then you can give this trick a try. Blot the affected area with the isopropyl alcohol, rinse it off with cold water and blot again until dry.

4. Commercial stain remover

When DIY solutions don’t work miracles, you might want to try a commercial stain remover. Just spray it on the stained spots and let it sit. Use a brush, sponge or paper towel to wipe your carpet clean. Repeat the process if needed.

Consider a professional carpet cleaning

Consider hiring your friendly professional carpet cleaners in Milton Keynes if you just don’t have the time or the right gear to deal with the mud stains on your own. One of the biggest perks of professional cleaning is that there’s little to no chance that your carpet will be ruined.

Final word

Getting rid of mud and muddy paw prints on your carpet may seem like an easy process. However, as you can see, it’s complicated. If you do something wrong, you might ruin your carpet or end up with a stain that will stay on your carpet forever. Find out how to remove other stubborn stains including red wine stains, candle wax and more by reading on. We have lots of content on stain removal on our blog.

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