Carpet cleaning tips

Is It Possible To Remove Tea Stains From Carpet?

Is It Possible To Remove Tea Stains From Carpet?

A cup of tea can be irresistible at times. It is the definition of a relaxing drink because it can be enjoyed at any time of day or situation. A stain from your favourite beverage, on the other hand, could upset that peace. It begs the question: how do you remove a tea stain ? Well you could contact us for professional carpet cleaning in milton keynes.

But if you would like to attempt to clean the stains yourself we have some good news? To make it easier, we’ve put together this guide to walk you through each step. Those tea stains will no longer silently mock your relaxation in your armchair after today.

Methods for Cleaning a Fresh Tea Spot in the Carpet

When tea spills and ends up on the carpet. You have a sinking feeling in your stomach, but if you act quickly, the stain won’t be there for good. Follow these simple steps to get rid of a fresh tea stain from your carpet.

 Supplies needed for removal of tea stains

You’ll require the following supplies:

  • Paper Towels
  • 1 tbsp. dishwashing liquid
  • white vinegar, about a tablespoon
  • 2 hot cups of water
  • either a spray bottle or a bowl for mixing
  • sponges or microfiber cloths

Steps to get rid of tea stains

  1. Use paper towels to absorb any remaining liquid. Scrubbing the area will only spread the stain further.
  2. To make a solution, combine the dish soap, white vinegar, and warm water. After that, apply it to the area that’s been affected by the problem. Either a spray bottle or a clean cloth will do the trick.
  3. Gently dab the area with a clean cloth to remove the solution after rinsing it with water to remove the detergent. Better absorbency can be achieved by using a sponge.
  4. After rinsing the stained area, use a microfiber cloth to remove any remaining moisture. Once it’s dried, you should no longer see the stain.

Getting Rid of an Old Tea Stain from Your Carpet

There are some challenges with old tea stains, but they are manageable. Grab the ingredients and follow our simple step-by-step instructions to restore your carpet to its former glory.

Products needed to remove the old tea stain

You’ll require the following supplies:

  •  Water
  • sodium bicarbonate of soda
  • Vinegar that is clear in color
  • a mist sprayer
  • Cloths made of microfiber

Steps to follow to vanish an old tea stain

  1. Pour some cool water on the stain and let it soak for a while. After that, use the baking soda to cover the stain completely. Afterward, depending on how bad the stain was, let it sit for several hours or overnight.
  2. After vacuuming up the baking soda, make sure the area is completely dry before continuing. Continue to the next step if the stain is still visible.
  3. Consider using either straight white vinegar or vinegar diluted with water as a topical application. Allow it to sit for a few minutes after spraying it on the stain. After that, dab the stain gently with a cloth and white vinegar to remove any lingering stains.
  4. Use a clean microfiber cloth to soak up any remaining water after rinsing the stain with cool water. If necessary, repeat the procedure until the stain has been removed. Those that are extremely old and ingrained may require a minimum of three passes through this process before they finally fade away.

How to Use a Commercial Carpet Stain Remover to Get Rid of Tea Stains

When natural methods fail, the best option is to use a commercial carpet stain remover. More traditional methods can’t remove stains that are too old or deep. You’ll need store-bought supplies in situations like this.

Directions to use commercial stain remover

Every commercial stain remover, in general, comes with a set of directions. As a result, the best we can do is give you a general idea of what to expect. To get the best results, always read the label and follow the directions exactly as they are laid out there.

Steps to follow

  1. Use a hidden area of the carpet to test the commercial carpet stain remover. This is so you can be certain it won’t damage or stain the fabric.
  2. Once you’re sure the stain remover is safe to use, apply it to the affected area and leave it there according to the directions on how long to leave it on.
  3. Check to see if the stain is gone after letting it sit for the recommended amount of time. If the stain is particularly difficult to remove, you may have to try the aforementioned steps again.

Other options for removing tea stains       

To remove tea stains, you can use a variety of different products, all of which we will go over in greater detail for you here. Furthermore, having a wide range of options ensures that the job will be completed irrespective of the composition or make up of your carpet.

Sodium bicarbonate of soda

 This is a tried-and-true method that works on both fresh and old stains. Because it’s naturally absorbent, it helps remove stains, including tea, from the carpet. Additionally, it eliminates unpleasant odors from the area.

Vinegar, Plain White

This ingredient’s acidic properties help loosen stains so they can be more easily removed. It also removes odors and disinfects, so your tea stain will be nothing more than a distant memory, free of marks or odors.


Baking soda has a similar effect when applied topically. The liquid will be collected and help remove stains from the carpet if you pour it on a fresh or soaked stain. However, it lacks baking soda’s deodorizing properties and is more difficult to clean up after use.

Dishwashing Liquid

Oils and natural matter, such as tea, will be broken down by this. As a result, it’s a fantastic stain remover ingredient. You only need a couple of squirts to get rid of the stains, and they will be gone in no time.


This enzyme cleaner breaks down naturally occurring substances that have soiled fabrics or surfaces, and it functions as an enzyme cleaner. Baking powder and white distilled vinegar are popular additions because of their efficacy.

How to use salt to get rid of tea stains from carpet

Tea stains can be removed from the carpet with the help of salt, which is a common kitchen ingredient. You’ll need the following items for this approach:

  • Salt
  • sanitized cloths
  • The use of ice-cold water
  • a cup of vinegar, white
  • a mist sprayer

Steps to follow

Step 1: Remove excess moisture

To help the salt do its job more effectively, gently blot the tea stain with a clean cloth to remove any excess moisture. Take care not to exacerbate the stain by rubbing too vigorously.

Step 2: Apply salt

Use plenty of salt to soak up any remaining liquid from the tea stain, which will aid in removing it from the carpet. Vacuum after a few hours or overnight, based on how bad the stain is.

Step 3: Spray some White Vinegar

You can now rinse the remnants of the stain with cold water, using a cloth to blot the area.. Once you done that spray some vinegar liberally over the hour and allow it to sit for a quarter of an hour.

Step 4: Rinse thoroughly

Rinse the vinegar out with more cold water to remove any remaining odors and disinfect the area. Use a clean cloth to finish drying the dish. Repeat as necessary to get rid of the stain.

When Tea Leaves Stain Carpets, Why Do They Stay There?

Tea contains a substance called tannin, which is why it stains carpets and other surfaces. Tannic acid is the chemical name for this compound, and it is what gives the tea and coffee its dark colour before we add milk and sugar.

Tannin serves as a dyeing agent in a variety of dyes.

Lastly, consider the following:

The process of removing tea stains from the carpet can be straightforward and painless. There’s no need to scramble around with buckets of hot water, frantically attempting to remove the stain from the carpet. Only patience and perseverance are required, as well as plenty of white clean cloths!

Prevent carpet ruination by using one of our tea stain removal methods before panicking. With so many options to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect one for your carpet. Let us know how you did; we’re interested in hearing about it.

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