Carpet cleaning tips

Your Guide to Removing Coffee Stains from Carpet

Coffee spills can turn your morning into a disaster – especially if you have a white carpet. Although it’s not hard to remove coffee stains if you do it immediately, dried stains take time and effort. If you have a coffee-splattered mess over your carpet and you want to have a go at cleaning them yourself before contacting us for premium carpet cleaning in Milton Keynes , the following coffee stain removal guide is for you:

Blot it

If you act quickly, you are more likely to entirely remove the stain. Blot the coffee using a white cloth, working from the outside to the centre of the stain to keep it from spreading. Avoid rubbing the carpet, as this may cause the liquid to become stuck in the fibres. Once you’ve removed most of it, spray cold water over the stain and wipe it again.

If you have old coffee stains, make sure you wet them with warm water. Pull up any loosened coffee by blotting the wet area with a clean cloth. Rinse it off with cold water and let it air dry.

Apply a cleaning solution

There are many carpet stain removers available on the market these days, but not all of them work. Consider making your own cleaning solution by combining two cups of warm water, one tablespoon of white vinegar and one tablespoon of liquid soap. Apply the mixture to the stain with a clean cloth, going from the outside to the centre. After you’ve coated the stain, wipe it with a dry cloth until it vanishes.

If you’re dealing with a stubborn coffee stain, you can use baking soda or hydrogen peroxide. Combine one part baking soda with one part water, rub it into the stain, spray with water, and wipe up the liquid. You can also dab hydrogen peroxide onto the stained area, but this tip works mostly for white carpets.

Whether you choose a commercial carpet cleaner or a homemade one, test it on a hidden area of carpet to ensure it won’t destroy your entire carpet.

Do an extra clean

If your coffee has additional components, such as milk or cream, you might want further assistance to remove the stain. The proteins in the stain should be broken up with an enzyme washing detergent. Combine the detergent with warm water in a bowl and soak a towel. To loosen the coffee, dab it on the stained spot.

Double clean or rinse

If you have stubborn coffee stains, you might have to repeat the cleaning process or try alternative methods to remove coffee stains. After you’ve removed all traces of the coffee stain, give it one more rinse. This aids in the removal of any detergent or other cleaning agents that you may have used.

When washing off the carpet, use cold water. Dab the water with a towel or clean cloth. Rinse the spot until all of the cleaner has been removed. To avoid dirt and other stains, it’s better to keep family members away from the carpet until it’s totally dry.

When in trouble, call a professional

If you have trouble removing stains from your carpet, whether they be coffee, tea stains , tomato sauce stains or something else, call a professional carpet cleaner. We can help you with your carpet cleaning needs.

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