Carpet cleaning tips

Here are two of the most effective ways to remove wax from your carpet

Removing wax from carpet is a handy skill to add to your repertoire. Having candles in the house can make your home smell fantastic. But, as the fire burns through the wick, the wax melts, and if it gets onto your carpet, it can become a problem.

If you accidentally bumped into your candle and spilt melted wax all over your carpet, or you dropped hair removal wax, don’t worry. Removing wax from your carpet takes effort, but it’s totally possible. Our short article will show you how to solve the ugly wax problem. So let’s role up our sleeves and get into the muddy trenches!

Prepping your carpet for wax removal

The first step to getting candle wax out of your carpet is to ensure that the wax doesn’t spread any further. Put a bag of ice cubes or an ice pack wrapped in a white cloth on top of the wax. It will harden the wax and prevent it from seeping further into the carpet fibers.

Also, you should figure out what kind of carpet you have. They are generally made of various synthetic and natural fibers. Nylon, for example, is a highly durable and wear-resistant synthetic material. On the other hand, removing wax from carpets made from natural fibers like wool is challenging because they are more absorbent.

Below are a couple of methods you can use to remove wax from your carpet.

Method 1: The iron trick

Materials needed:

  • Butter knife
  • Iron
  • Two towels
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Spoon
  • Carpet cleaning solution or rubbing alcohol

Once you have gathered all the materials, follow the steps below:

  1. Carefully scrape the hardened wax off the carpet using a butter knife
  2. Vacuum all the loose particles. If there are still any more scraps, rub again with the butter knife and vacuum.
  3. Place a damp towel over the stain.
  4. With your iron on low, place it over the damp towel and hold it there for 5 seconds. The heat should transfer the wax from the carpet to the towel. You may need to adjust your iron’s temperature if the lowest setting isn’t enough to do the job.
  5. Continue to do this until all of the candle wax has been removed. Replace the towel when it is no longer damp or coated with wax.
  6. Note: Be careful not to leave the iron one the wax for too long, as you may burn the carpet fibres.
  7. Apply carpet cleaning solution to the area you where the wax was removed from. Rub the solution into the fabric with a spoon and then dab it with a clean towel until it is dry.

You can also remove the wax using a hairdryer Just don’t blow too close to avoid damaging the carpet fibers. Also, don’t use paper bags as a barrier, as they can overheat and burn the carpet.

You can ask a professional carpet cleaning service to remove wax if you lack the time or are worried that you will damage your carpet.

Method 2: Icing your carpet

Another alternative approach to removing wax from your carpet involves using ice. With this method, you won’t need to use heat to remove the wax from your carpet. It is essential to avoid letting the stain penetrate the carpet fibers by keeping the stain dry before treating it.

Materials needed:

  • Ice cubes
  • Plastic bag
  • Dull knife
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Carpet cleaning detergent or rubbing alcohol
  • Two cloths
  1. Take the plastic bag and fill it with ice. Note that the bag cannot be pierced.
  2. Press it a little bit. The ice will harden the stain, and the bag will protect the wax from getting wet.
  3. When the wax is hard and cold, scrape it off from the carpet with a dull knife.
  4. Remove the wax carefully so that you don’t tear the fibers. Try to get as much wax as you can with the knife.
  5. Vacuum any remaining wax chunks.
  6. After the wax is completely removed, apply a carpet cleaning solution to clean the stain from the candle dye. Dab the area with a cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol and use another cloth to blot.
  7. Leave the spot to air dry.

Depending on how long the wax has been in your carpet, you may need to find the area has become flat. Read our article on how to fluff up flat carpet.

Get a professional carpet cleaning to do the job

You don’t have to worry if you aren’t confident enough to tackle tough stains on your carpet by yourself! Call us today to experience our professional carpet cleaning service in Milton Keynes.

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