Carpet cleaning tips

The Health Benefits of Cleaning Your Carpets

Having your carpets cleaned has a number of benefits. Some of the obvious ones are they look more fluffy and appealing, they smell fresh, spots and stains are removed,  and if you’ve had them protected they’ll stay cleaner for longer. However, one benefit that people often don’t think about is that clean carpets are good for your health. In this article, we’ll look at the little-known health benefits of having your carpets cleaned.

Over time dirt, dust, pollutants and other nasties build up in the carpet pile. Carpets do a good job of trapping them and keeping them out of the environment, but it gets to a point where a carpet reaches its threshold for the maximum amount of dirt it can hold. If you suffer from allergies or have respiratory issues, they may be aggravated by these particles which can become airborne when really dirty carpets are walked on. A deep clean can remove most of the offending particles, allowing you to breathe easy again.

Mould can grow in a carpet as a result of leaks, food particles and spilt drinks. If the spores become airborne they can have an adverse effect on your health. Our cleaning solution can inhibit the growth of mould, drastically reducing the chance of it growing in your carpet.

In some cases, mould and malodours can occur as a result of carpets taking too long to dry, which may happen if the carpets being overwet during the cleaning process, or in some cases, high humidity slowing down the drying process. Our quick-drying carpet cleaning technology actively dries the carpet as it cleans, reducing drying times to 30 minutes. This means there is no chance of mould growth as the carpet needs to be wet for at least 24 hours before mould can grow on it.

In addition to mould, bacteria can also thrive in carpets. Our cleaning process kills bacteria and also inhibits it from growing in the future. This can give you some rest of mind if you have children who tend to crawl on the floor.

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